The treatment relaxes and revitalizes the central nervous system; treats the tisular and organic disorders and secondary diseases; relaxes the muscular system, restores...
Since Autism Speaks' foundation in 2005, the organization has helped the nation and the world better understand autism and better ways to treat the...
Pure essential oils to use for balancing and curing disruptions during the 3-week Mercury Retrograde Cycle.Ylang Ylang III (Cananga odorata) - Keywords: Neutralizes...
Heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes are among the leading causes of death in the United States today. They account for about two-thirds of...
Ultimately, Federal Disability Retirement is a benefit which must be fought for, and secured, in order to attain a level of financial security...
It is logical to assume that a large proportion of our country's older residents will require home medical equipment and supplies at some point...
Craniosacral therapy (CST) was developed about 30 years ago by John Upledger, DO. Dr. Upledger originally studied the practice of cranial osteopathy,...
75 to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians result from stress-related disorders. Paul Rosch, M.D., President, American Institute of Stress ...
Bariatric surgery is a term derived from the Greek words: "weight" and "treatment." Bariatric surgical procedures are major gastrointestinal operations. It is done by...
Acupuncture can be effective in treating frequent urination. It is a system of medicine that has been around for more than 2000 years....

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