Ulcer cure for mouth

No matter how healthy you are, chances are you have experienced some form of mouth ulcer in your life. It is nearly impossible to avoid getting mouth ulcers, from the common canker sore to the embarrassing cold sore. Any injury or break in the mucous lining of the mouth can lead to an oral ulcer, and it is rare to find someone who has never accidentally bitten their cheek or lip. Because of our widespread susceptibility to mouth ulcers, there are countless methods and remedies suggested by many people for treating them. Here are the treatments that appear to be most effective.

After developing a mouth ulcer, it is advised to rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouthwash at least twice a day for two days. This will help prevent further infection while your mouth is vulnerable. Some people recommend an Epsom salt rinse, which works on the same principle.

Over the Counter:
Topical analgesics are effective for numbing pain, but the effects may not last very long, especially when the medication comes in gel form. An analgesic lozenge that dissolves in the mouth can extend the duration of pain relief. Ibuprofen, either applied directly to the sore or taken orally, has been shown to help alleviate pain and reduce swelling. If the issue is not a canker sore but a cold sore, you will need to purchase a medication specifically designed to treat cold sores. This is because cold sores are a form of herpes. Chapped lips can also cause mouth ulcers on the lips, so it’s a good idea to keep Chapstick or lip balm available to defend against infections and bacteria. If the ulcer is limited to the inside of your mouth, rubbing some petroleum jelly on the affected area has been found to help rebuild the mucous lining and soothe pain.

If a mouth ulcer persists for over three weeks, it may indicate something more serious, such as oral cancer. Therefore, it is absolutely crucial to seek medical assistance before the problem worsens and potentially becomes untreatable. Fortunately, severe cases are unlikely, and you will likely be free of your mouth ulcer in less than a week. The mouth is a remarkably fast-healing part of the body and can overcome most challenges, including mouth ulcers.

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